Three Combined Loader

We have been made aware of an issue when loading Three outbound and inbound CDR files through the combined loader. When there is an incoming VOLTE Voice Event, the target number will not be shown as the incoming number, it shows as ‘Voicemail’.

In the scenarios we have seen there are 3 lines of data for one of these events, they appear to be duplicates. One of these rows we correctly process as a ‘Call Forward (VoLTE)’ and replace the ‘Voicemail’ element with the target number. The remaining 2 rows are reviewed and are now found to no longer be duplicates. They are kept as an INFO row and the device and location information is not applied to the target number but to the ‘Voicemail’ entity.

When reviewing the data within Data Dashboard you may see entities being mapped which are not your target number and are shown as ‘other’.

We are currently investigating this and any fixes will feature in a future release of Chorus.


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