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Cleanse and analyse data

Industry leading data cleansing engine to save 97% of your time.

Self-serve tools empower multiple roles to get answers from data.

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Data Cleansing & Analysis

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The most advanced data cleansing and analysis engine today

The CIS features an intuitive, self-serve, analytical dashboard to empower multiple roles, such as analysts, investigators and front-line officers, to get answers from their data, instantly.

Simply drag and drop any digital data (CDRs, ANPR, handset downloads, bank statements etc) and an advanced data cleansing engine will format multiple data files, instantly.

Visualise, enrich and report on your data in multiple ways to spot connections and follow lines of enquiry.



Key Capabilities

Ingest and cleanse

Drag and drop any digital data into the CIS, to be automatically cleansed and formatted, saving 97% of your time.

Data types include: CDR’s, ANPR, Handset Downloads, RF Surveys, Chat, Instant Messaging and more. Bank, credit card statements and trading data can also be uploaded to support with financial investigations. Search for patterns in the movement of funds across accounts and identify a financial lifestyle.


Visualise, enrich and expand

Bring the data of your investigation to life through advanced visualisation.

Overlay all relevant data for your case in one interactive dashboard to easily identify patterns around the time of an offence eg. plot phone and vehicle activity on a map and overlay with RF surveys and CCTV footage, to understand the bigger picture.


Intelligent reporting

Choose from over 45 reports to query the most frequently asked investigative questions and produce maps, timelines, event schedules and charts to visualise the results in multiple ways eg: report on a suspects top 10 interactions or identify potential meetings between entities.

Export your reports in a number of different formats including JPEG, PDF and .XLS

Save 97% of your time

Drag and drop any digital data to be automatically cleansed and formatted

Empower multiple roles

Intuitive tools can be used by all to get answers from data

Advanced reporting

Generate over 45 reports to answer key investigative questions and develop your intelligence picture

Modern investigations can be extremely complex, with detectives working to unpick the movements of multiple suspects, often over extended periods of time. We have long been able to piece together their movements and generate extremely strong evidence against them – but that has often taken many days or weeks of work by multiple investigators and analysts. This new software allows a single member of staff to achieve the same results in a far shorter amount of time.

Rich Bull - DCI - Nottinghamshire Police

End-to-end investigation software


The Chorus Intelligence Suite comprises of just one platform, one dashboard and requires just one login to conduct end-to-end investigations.

Intuitive tools can be used by all, no matter your role, to tackle your biggest data challenges.

Request a demo. Be empowered.

Seeing is believing. Request a demo to see our Intelligence Suite in action and how it can help solve your data challenges.