Chorus and the Police ICT Company
We are extremely proud to announce that Chorus is the latest vendor to enter in to collaboration with the Police ICT Company.
As of 1st December 2017, Chorus is available to all forces via the Police ICT Company as part of the wider reform that policing is going through to improve access to vital technology.
Who is the Police ICT Company?
The Police ICT Company was established to create a bridge between the policing, technological and commercial worlds. It helps the service buy ICT better, manage it more effectively and exploit new technologies quickly. They aim to cut the costs of police ICT, reduce duplication, improve collaboration, manage ICT services when asked and where possible and improve the public’s experience of dealing with the police.

What is the collaboration about?
With digital transformation high on the agenda for UK forces and agencies, the collaboration goes part of the way to simplifying how ICT is bought and sold and delivering reform to the sector. It essentially allows Chorus to be purchased via a centralised contract through the Police ICT Company.
What does it mean for police forces and purchasers of ICT?
With a framework close to being agreed between Chorus and Police ICT, purchasing and IT departments can skip some of the more bureaucratic processes that exist when evaluating and buying technology for their staff, but still have the confidence that they are using a trusted vendor and are securing the best price for their force.
What does it mean for users of Chorus?
Users of Chorus can rest assured that as a company and product we are fully vetted and approved and can continue to use the tool as normal. The framework will also hopefully mean that we will have less contracts to manage and a speedier process so we can continue to provide the software at an affordable rate and concentrate on continuously improving its functionality. Finally, with more and more forces using us and embarking on regional projects to break from traditional data silos, it should encourage data sharing and improved cross case analysis to help with better policing.
How do forces make use of the agreement?
Anyone looking to purchase Chorus for their force can do so via the GCloud platform which is the approved procurement route recommended by the Police ICT Company, and provides access to the fee structure agreed between us.
If you would like to understand more about the collaboration then either contact us at [email protected] or go to the Police ICT company directly – [email protected].