New leadership team for Chorus as the organisation prepares for growth

New organisational structure will allow Chorus to deliver SaaS technology to new industries and territories and will support the group in its future accelerated growth phase.

Chorus Intelligence, the digital intelligence and investigation software provider, today announced that it has made changes to its senior leadership team to help meet the unprecedented growth in demand for its new and existing technologies.

The new ‘C-suite’ is now made up of the following members.

Boyd Mulvey – Chief Executive Officer and Founder

Sam Copeman – Chief Financial Officer

Richard Helson – Chief Operating Officer

Troy Batley – Chief Technology Officer

Neil Chivers – Chief Sales Officer

Nick Lawson – Chairman and Investor Director

Sam Copeman joined Chorus in 2020 as CFO. Prior to this he was the CFO of several successful international fast growth businesses. He is responsible for the financial management of Chorus, as its growth continues across the globe.

Richard Helson started his career as a forensic expert for several UK police forces before joining Chorus as a Customer Relationship Manager. He worked his way up the organisation to become Head of the UK police business before being promoted to the global Chief Operating Officer role where he will be responsible for ensuring the successful delivery of Chorus projects.

Troy Batley has extensive experience in digital transformation in finance and retail and joined Chorus in 2018 as Chief Technology Officer. He is responsible for the company’s products, innovation, and for creating and maintaining multiple secure cloud environments across the globe.

Neil Chivers recently joined Chorus from Capita in August 2020 where he was a board level executive for their Public Safety software business. Having joined Chorus as Head of International Sales, Neil has now been appointed to the role of global Chief Sales Officer. Neil will be responsible for continuing the explosive growth Chorus has enjoyed over the last five years, which has already resulted in Chorus being one of the top 20 fastest growing companies in the UK.

Nick Lawson joins the board of Chorus as Chairman and Investor Director having previously been a board advisor. Nick is also founder and CEO of Ocean Wall Ltd an alternative investment house he set up in 2019. Before that he spent seventeen years at Deutsche Bank running a large swathe of their equity businesses and in 2015 joined Arrowgrass Capital Partners, the $7bn multi-strategy hedge fund, as a Partner heading their strategic transactions group.

Chorus has recently launched a new Intelligence Suite to help law enforcement and other industries involved in public protection and fraud prevention to conduct digital investigations as efficiently as possible. The suite allows the collection, development, and dissemination of data all from a single location.

As more of Chorus’ existing customers look to exploit the opportunities that data brings by deploying different elements of the Intelligence Suite, the new organisation structure will ensure the timely implementation and ongoing success of those deployments.

Regarding the new structure, CEO and Founder Boyd Mulvey said,

“Our operations have scaled quite considerably over the last 12 months and I am pleased to have such an experienced and driven team helping to lead our organisation. Our new structure will aid the delivery of Software as a Service solutions globally, all deployed from multiple in-country secure cloud environments to help our customers meet the challenges of modern investigations.”


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