Innovative Law Enforcement Technology from Chorus Wins the Queen’s Award for Enterprise

Chorus Wins Queen’s Award for Enterprise

Outstanding innovation of game-changing technology enables law enforcement to solve crime and protect the public better than ever before.

Chorus Intelligence, the industry leading data cleansing and analysis software provider trusted by law enforcement, today announced that they have won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for outstanding innovation.

The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the most prestigious awards for UK businesses, designed to recognise and encourage outstanding achievements in the fields of innovation, international trade, sustainable development and promoting opportunity.

Queens Award Logo

The awards have been running since 1966 and winners are recognised for invention, design of goods and services and commercial success with her Majesty the Queen personally approving the winners.

Chorus, established in 2011 by Boyd Mulvey, started by providing an advanced cleansing engine, allowing police Analysts to save over 95% of their time when removing noise from communications data and consistently formatting it. Today, that cleansing engine has morphed into a digital data analysis tool that is used by most police forces and all the counter terror units in the UK to help them solve crime and protect the public.

Chorus’ unique ability to solve problems for the police using technology has seen Chorus continue to launch products into the market. Chorus Investigate is an intuitive self-service tool that empowers frontline officers and crime Investigators to quickly get answers from data to open lines of enquiry and improve detection rates. A solution which is completely new to those working on criminal investigations and stimulating a cultural shift which will drive future cost savings in policing and near-police investigations and help save even more lives.

Chorus Analyse Software

The Chorus platform includes the ability to link to many other software tools allowing a collaborative approach to policing, enabling them to ingest all digital data and share it across departments and police forces – something which is imperative in dealing with terrorism, county lines drug crime and modern slavery.

On winning the award Chorus CEO Boyd Mulvey said,

“I am immensely proud of the team for their dedication and hard work to provide such innovative products to our industry. Providing solutions that make such a tangible difference to those working to solve crime and protect the public gives the entire Chorus team a great sense of purpose.

I must also give thanks to our customers for their continued support and belief in Chorus and their feedback that drives our development. We will continue to work with our customers to deliver solutions that enable them to do their job more efficiently and effectively.

The Queen’s award has given us more impetus and inspired the Chorus team to keep creating best in breed products and there will be a lot more to come from Chorus in the coming months”.

Under normal circumstances the Queen’s Award is formally presented to winners by a member of the Royal Family during a reception at Buckingham Palace in the summer. All winners will wait for further guidance from the Government on such gatherings.



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