Vodafone Simplified Data Guidance

General Guidance relating to Vodafone Simplified Data

What is Vodafone simplified data?

Vodafone simplified data is supplied direct from Vodafone alongside Vodafone raw data.  Simplified data is a summary of the raw data and has been converted by Vodafone using a set of rules created by Vodafone themselves – for example the multiple rows observed in raw data relating to SMS messages and voice calls are condensed into one or two rows in simplified data.  However, Vodafone simplified data appears to be inconsistent and therefore unreliable.

Guidance from the DCG Evidence Group is that Vodafone simplified data should not be relied upon evidentially.  It is preferred to use the Vodafone raw data.

What do Vodafone say?

Instruction direct from Vodafone themselves states: “the [Vodafone] simplified data provided is not designed to be put through analysis tools as it is not raw data and has already had rules applied to it which your analysis tools would not be aware of. The [Vodafone] simplified data is generated to allow you to make quick and basic observations but should not be used for analytical purposes. We would only ever recommend using the [Vodafone] raw data for analysis”.

Chorus therefore recommends the Vodafone raw data is used wherever possible.  For guidance on how to import Vodafone raw data into Chorus, please see below.

Vodafone Data

Vodafone Raw Data Import

To use Vodafone raw data when the billing data is in a separate file to the cell site data you need to ensure the file with the cell site information is saved with the same file name as the billing file, but with “_cell” on the end.

For example, if your billing file was called ‘VodafoneBilling1234’ then you would need to rename the cell site file that related to ‘VodafoneBilling1234_cell’ and ensure both are saved in the same location.

If you then drag and drop just the billing file into the autoloader, Chorus will automatically pull across the cell site information.

You don’t need to load the cell site file; just the billing file.

If you have any queries then please contact us at [email protected]

The Chorus Team


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