Issues Caused by Merging Subjects

We have been made aware of an issue in Chorus Analyse / Investigate 5.6 which is causing problems with saving sessions after subjects have been merged. We recently added the ability to automatically merge subjects (e.g. if you renamed two subjects to have the identical name – they automatically merge into a single subject) but this is having a knock-on effect on the session, causing it to fail saving.

In order to prevent this issue we have amended the subject behaviour in the upcoming 5.6.2 update to prevent the merging of subjects. We will look for a long term fix as the part of the next major release (5.7) due early next year. The 5.6.2 update will be available later on this month.

In the interim, to avoid having issues with saving your session please do not rename multiple subjects in Manage Session to merge them. Instead if you wish to combine two subjects into one, please manually move the entities to the subject you wish to attribute them to (e.g. right click on the entity and select “add to subject” OR use a subject proforma) and then once all have been moved delete the unwanted subject.

We apologise for any inconvenience. If you have any queries regarding this or require any further information then please contact our support team at [email protected] or call 020 3597 7350.

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