Follow the money

Analyse financial data to quickly identify and report on financial indicators of fraud and money laundering. Uncover suspicious behaviour and investigate illegal activity all in one place.

Fighting financial crime icon

Fighting financial crime

Transactional data analysis

The Chorus Suite equips anyone involved in investigating financial crime with the tools to solve the most common data challenges; acquiring data, interrogating it, and securely storing and sharing it.

Drive complex, data-rich investigations and present intelligence and evidence in a coherent, chronological, evidentially robust format that is easy to understand.

Follow the money to spot transactional patterns and layering techniques that indicate the presence of illegal activity. Analyse transactions alongside many other sources of data to crack down on fraud, money laundering, bribery and corruption.

This tool not only cuts the time, but essentially eliminates any time required at all.

UK Police Financial Investigator


Reduce Risk

Minimise the operational risk of missing fraudulent and illegal activity by using advanced analytical modelling techniques. Give anyone investigating financial crime the tools to confidently turn data into intelligence for onward reporting and compliance. 

Increase investigation efficiency

Detect and combat criminal activity at greater speed by automating the preparation and enrichment of data to build up financial profiles of accounts. Conduct financial analysis to follow the money and highlight suspicious activity.

Easily share data

Share anonymised data with other banks and financial institutions to collaborate on cases and reduce fraud and corruption.

Designed + built To Integrate

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Modular solutions. Powerfully combined.

Our Intelligence Suite is modular. Each product can be deployed individually or combined as a full platform to help organisations solve their investigative challenges.

Request a demo. Be empowered.

Seeing is believing. Request a demo to see our Intelligence Suite in action and how it can help solve your data challenges.