Chorus Investigate icon
Chorus Investigate

Find out what happened

Self-service intelligence software empowering Investigators to get answers from data

investigation software
Investigate icon


Empowering Investigators

Every crime now leaves a digital footprint. Whether that’s a seized device or some communications data.

Not all Investigators have been trained to analyse data and not every investigation will be resourced with an Analyst.

Time is a critical factor and Investigators need fast answers.

Chorus Investigate is an easy-to-use application for front-line officers to quickly look at digital data and progress a case.


How it works

Drag and drop

Drag and drop files into an intuitive dashboard and automated cleansing rules will remove the noise from data and consistently format it.

Analyse common data types such as:

  • Communications data (call data records)
  • Handset downloads
  • ANPR
  • Chat, instant messaging and more
  • Images

Find out what happened

Instantly plot all data with locations on a map and find patterns in movements and behaviours around the time of an offence.

Build a timeline of events to understand the big picture.


See who was calling who, when, and how often.

Identify the key subjects of your investigation and generate reports to support findings.

Chorus Investigate saves a significant amount of time – hours! I regularly obtain call data and then have to spend time cleaning it in order to produce pivot tables, attribution and manual plotting of cell towers. With Chorus this literally takes 5 minutes.

Investigator, Greater Manchester Police

Chorus Investigate: In Action


Reduce dependancy on skilled data experts  icon

Reduce dependancy on skilled data experts

The intuitive dashboard can be used by anyone looking to get answers from data at a high level

Maximise efficiency  icon

Maximise efficiency

Self-serve functionality can be used by multiple disciplines to speed up an investigation

Improve detection and sanction rates  icon

Improve detection and sanction rates

Get answers from data in minutes instead of days

Solve crime faster  icon

Solve crime faster

Cleanse, combine and connect multiple data types and visualise it in an intuitive way to answer key investigative questions

Automated reporting  icon

Automated reporting

Generate clear-to-understand maps and pre-configured reports

Ease of use icon

Ease of use

Minimal training required

Designed + built To Integrate

Chorus Video poster image

Enhance Investigate with the Intelligence Suite

Our Intelligence Suite is modular. Each product can be deployed individually or combined as a full platform to help organisations solve their investigative challenges.

Request a demo. Be empowered.

Seeing is believing. Request a demo to see our Intelligence Suite in action and how it can help solve your data challenges.