Event Schedule Filters

Event Schedule Filters

New for Chorus Analyser 5.1 is the set event schedule button and filter.

All visible rows within Chorus are assigned a ‘Row Ref’ – this is the first column in the events pane. These row references will change as the contents of the events pane change as filters are applied. In other words, every time the search button is pressed, the row numbers will be allocated again.  For 5.1 onward, there is a new column available – ‘Event No.’ which corresponds to the ‘Set Event Schedule’ button.

Event number

Setting the event schedule allows you to manually set the sequential row numbers for the visible rows (via the event number column), and lock these in place. Once set, the numbers will remain regardless of what searches are run.

For example, you could set the event schedule when all the data is visible, and then subsequently run another search, but the event numbers will remain.

Event schedule button

There is also a new filter available – the ‘Event Schedule’ filter which allows you to filter for only those events with an event number assigned.

This was something several of our customers have been asking for so we’re pleased to announce it’s now possible!

However, care must be taken when applying the event schedule filter in conjunction with the consolidate duplicate filter.  If the consolidation filter was applied before the event schedule was set, then when applying the event schedule filter the consolidation filter must also be applied.

If the event schedule was set prior to the consolidation filter being applied, then this may result in missing event numbers. This is due to the fact that when the duplicate rows are combined into one, this essentially creates a new row – one that has not yet been numbered.

Please refer to the user guide which has an example (page 69).

User Guides

You can access our new comprehensive user guides from this link.

If you would like to know more then please contact support on 020 3597 7350 or email [email protected].


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