Renaming Voice Calls in Chorus

In Chorus, we mark Voice Call events as “CS” events – CS meaning Circuit Switched.  However, since we first created Chorus Analyse technology has since moved on, and circuit switch is not the only type of call we now come across; for example we may also see packet data (e.g. VoIP, VoLTE etc).

As a result we are proposing a change to the call type in a future release of Chorus – rather than attempting to mark how the call was routed (e.g. circuit vs packet) we propose to give a more generic name that covers all scenarios.  As such we are suggesting “VC” – meaning Voice Call.  We would like to rename CS to VC, and also any other subtypes (e.g. CSF would become VCF, CSU would become VCU etc).

Of note, “CS” (/”VC”) appears in the type column; “Voice Call” appears in the Type description.  It is the Type short code we are proposing to change.

If you have any concerns or feedback on this proposed change, please click the below and email our support team so we can discuss your requirements.  We are proposing to make this change in our Q4 2020 release of Chorus (approx. November time) – as such please could you let us know by 30/06/20.

If we don’t hear anything we will assume we are ok to proceed with this change.

If you have any further queries regarding this then please contact our support team on 020 3597 7350 or email [email protected].


The Chorus Team

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