Did you know about RF Surveys?

Did you know Chorus Analyse can take Radio Frequency Propagation Survey data as well as call data records?

This data is usually referred to as RF.

RF data can be compared to normal call data for occasions when proving the location of a device is essential.

In this example, a serious road traffic collision has occurred and a suspect denies being in the area at the time.

The RF Surveyor traverses the survey location using equipment which receives data from the cell towers in the locality, converting these into data points which look like this in Analyse (see fig 1 below)

The individual data points  can be isolated, highlighted or filtered by CSP or technology (2G, 3G, 4G) etc. so the Surveyor can see what cells are serving in that location. (See fig 2 below)

RF Survey data can then be linked and compared to the actual call data record (fig 3 below)

In the image below, the incident has occurred at the site indicated by the red circle at the key location. The suspect said they were in the area of the orange key location at the time of the incident.

The survey can assist in proving or disproving the suspect’s account by comparing survey data from their alibi location against that of the scene. (See fig 4 below)

The data can be filtered to look for cells seen within a specific radius of a location or point of interest. (See Fig.5 below)

Just as with call data records, RF survey data can be exported to Excel for service as evidence.

A few other points and links to support your use of RF data within Chorus Analyse:

  • A training webinar about RF data can be viewed here.
  • There is also a Moodle E-Learning module about RF data. Please contact [email protected] if you are yet to receive access to our training platform.

For support or any questions regarding Chorus Analyse please contact our support team.

020 3597 7350

[email protected]


The Chorus Team



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