Coming Soon in 5.6 – Holmesy’s Highlights

As our development and testing teams make the final changes to our latest version of Chorus, we thought we would give you a quick glance at some of the new features that will be on offer in Chorus Analyse version 5.6.

As always, our lead BA, Gemma Holmes was on hand to let us know what she is most excited about with this release. So see below for ‘Holmesy’s Highlights’!

Potential Meeting
Users now have the option to exclude GPRS events from potential meetings in both the potential meeting dashboard filter and the potential meeting reports.

We have made some improvements to key location creation which now includes being able to utilise What3Words.  From the right-click key location menu, you will be able to search for a What3Words location – this will have the same functionality as postcode markers.  For example, if you right click to add a key location, then from within the menu search for a What3Words location (e.g. ///cage.blackbird.poet etc), you can then select to move your key location to the What3Words location.

Event Columns
We have improved the event column layouts. Previously we had a number of layout presets available from the event pane options (e.g. overview, detailed, all etc).  We have now added a ‘Layout Detail’ slider to the events pane which allows you to slide from less to more detail; as you slide along more columns are added to the layout.  There is also the option to use a custom layout if you prefer to use your own selection of columns.

Export Formatting
Following some user feedback, we have amended the formatting of the dashboard export to make it easier to read.  The row height has been increased and the cell alignment is now centred (both horizontally and vertically).

Promforma Improvements
We have moved the proformas inside Chorus Analyse and Investigate. They are accessed via a toolbar button in the Manage Session view.  You can click the button to download your proforma of choice.  This means they will no longer be on the desktop of your Chorus machine.
Please notethis means if you have proformas saved on the desktop currently that you wish to keep, you will need to move them to another folder before the 5.6 release is installed.

We’ve also got an exciting announcement about our partnership with IBM and how we integrate with i2 Analyst’s Notebook. We’ll be sending you more information on that over the next few weeks.

Further details on exactly what’s included in 5.6 and how to use the new features will be sent around when the new release is ready to be installed and used.


The Chorus Team

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