Operational Microsoft Excel

Strategic Intelligence Analysis teaches operational strategies and techniques to address medium to long term intelligence issues.

17 – 18th August 2023

2 day course

Learning Outcomes

Core Excel Functionality icon

Core Excel Functionality

Core functions of Excel.

Shortcuts icon


Little-known shortcuts to enhance your use of Excel.

Formulae & Functions icon

Formulae & Functions

Utilise a range of formulae and functions in order to format, organise, and manipulate operational datasets.

Pivot Tables icon

Pivot Tables

Advanced instruction in using pivot tables to analyse data.



Create VLOOKUP tables so you can auto-fill from a dataset, to add attribution or enrich with known data.

Data Dashboards icon

Data Dashboards

Create your own data dashboards to expedite and professionalise your analysis in Excel.

Complex Datasets icon

Complex Datasets

Present complex datasets in a clear and concise manner using the reporting capabilities of Microsoft Excel.

PowerBI icon


Advanced data cleansing and analysis