Get ahead of financial crime

The rising complexity of financial crime demands a radically new approach.

That’s where Chorus comes in. We are trusted by the Financial Conduct Authority, major global banks, and many law enforcement agencies in North America.

We analyse over 200 million risk and intelligence events per day. With us, you can achieve fundamental, far-reaching change.

Money underpins all crime. As technologies evolve, so do the lawbreakers. And so should you.

The ugly truth is that financial crime is winning. It outstrips the cost of regulation, compliance, fines, and fraud. And left unchecked, it erodes credibility in the global financial ecosystem.

Financial institutions spend a combined $188 billion across financial crime compliance technology and operations. Yet dirty money remains largely undetected. 

Criminals constantly have the upper hand. They are more innovative, agile, and determined. They have more to gain, and more to lose. Combine this with malicious insiders and the escalating cyber threat, and there’s a near-insurmountable challenge to deal with.

The opportunity has already arrived

Already the trusted digital investigation platform for UK law enforcement and many North American agencies, and now in action with a large global bank, we’re empowering investigations at every stage. The CIS detects, deters and disrupts financial crime and ensures that you turn data into intelligence and evidence, with confidence. 

The CIS will significantly enhance their ability to uncover, analyse and detect key lines of enquiry, helping it to mitigate the risk of offenses such as fraud and money laundering going undetected. The CIS addresses this issue seamlessly, setting a new standard for the financial sector in mitigating risks associated with financial crimes.”

Neil Chivers, CEO, Chorus Intelligence

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Seeing is believing. Request a demo to see our Intelligence Suite in action and how it can help solve your data challenges.